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The next Board Meeting is scheduled for April 9th, 2025 at 11:00a.m. located at 441 High Street, Montgomery, AL 36104. 

CEU Requirements for Each Discipline

To ALL Facility Managers: Please notify the board of any changes to your facility in a timely manner. This includes hirings, Firings, and all changes in address or Medicaid/Medicare standings.

To ALL Licensees- At the December 3rd Board Meeting the board voted and passed a rule to enforce the rule concerning notification of employment change. You must notify the board of any employment change within 30 days. If you fail to notify, there are fines that can be applied. Facility Managers will be reporting hirings and firings to the board. Please make sure to let us know of any change in employment status as to avoid fines and/or board disciplinary action .

The use of video supervision IS NOT an approved method of treatment for O & P Consumers in Alabama.

Violation of such an act will be subject to disciplinary action by the Alabama State Board of Prosthetists and Orthotists.













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